Copy2Contact Blog 2.0!

We’ve learned a ton working on Copy2Contact for all these years and decided it’s time to share some of the great bits of productivity, business, and tech knowledge that we’ve picked up in that time. In other words, this blog is about to get rolling in a big way!

Productivity: Copy2Contact is all about helping you be more productive while you work. You don’t get this obsessed with a productivity tool unless you are already obsessed with productivity. As a productivity junkie myself, this blog will feature some of my favorite productivity strategies, tips, and tools to help you get through the workday with superhuman efficiency.

Business and Entrepreneurship: Copy2Contact is a business and we’ve learned a lot in making it one of the most popular productivity tools for your desktop, iPhone, and BlackBerry. If you want to get in the know on what goes on behind the scenes at a quickly growing start-up, look no further.

Tech: Tools and technology are developing at a ridiculously exciting rate… It was just a few years ago that we first learned what an “app” was! As creators of a tech tool, we have to stay on top of all of the new developments coming our way – and we’ll be sharing the most important and pertinent trends and tools right here on the blog as well as on our social accounts at Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed to make sure you never miss out on a single update!

Lastly, please feel free to comment and get the discussion going! We love to hear from the community out there so we can follow what’s going on.