iPhone OS 3.0 just announced… Anagram coming soon

Even bigger news than Anagram for BlackBerry is that the long-awaited iPhone OS 3.0 was just announced and it includes copy-and-paste functionality. Good news for everyone who’s been complaining about that missing feature, but good news also for us since it means developing Anagram for the iPhone is finally a possibility.

iPhone Copy/Paste

iPhone Copy/Paste

I’m a firm believer that Anagram Technology is more useful the smaller the form factor of the device in question. It’s already brilliant on the PC and even better on the tablet PC, but who takes the time to copy-and-paste contact information into the address book on a tiny PDA? If you do, leave a comment. You’re my hero!

We actually put some serious resources into creating Anagram for the iPhone around the time of the 2.0 OS release. I was convinced that it would have copy-and-paste since it was billed as a business-focused release. So the bonus here is that the Anagram engine is already up and running on the iPhone, and it works like a dream.

More info and screenshots coming soon as we turn this into a beta version…