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Outlook users: Capture to a specific folder

olfoldersIf you use different Outlook folders to store information for different projects, you might want to configure Copy2Contact to use those folders instead of the defaults. This feature is available only in Copy2Contact PRO, but can be tried out during the 14-day trial period.

Open Copy2Contact’s Target Apps settings by clicking the Copy2Contact icon in your system tray (next to your clock) and choosing Utils, then Target Apps. Then on the Outlook page of the dialog, press the Default Folders button.

This is particularly useful with Business Contact Manager for Outlook, which stores contacts in its own folder.

Click here to open Copy2Contact’s Outlook Target Apps settings now (Copy2Contact must be installed on your computer).

Use Copy2Contact with more than one target app

Copy2Contact can easily be configured to work with more than one target application.

If you regularly use both Outlook and Salesforce.com on the same computer, for example, Copy2Contact can be set to capture items to each one.

Target AppsOpen Copy2Contact’s Target Apps settings by clicking the Copy2Contact icon in your system tray (next to your clock) and choosing Utils, then Target Apps.

On the Target Apps dialog you can check each application that you’d like to use with Copy2Contact, then configure a different Shortcut Key on the page of the dialog for each app.

Salesforce.com users: Capture directly to your browser

If you use Copy2Contact with Salesforce.com, be sure you have Copy2Contact set to Direct Capture mode (the default). This mode works directly with Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox to streamline your experience with Copy2Contact.

Salesforce MenuWith Direct Capture turned on, Copy2Contact immediately loads a captured contact or appointment directly into your browser instead of showing an intermediate dialog. This means you never have to leave the Salesforce.com interface that you’re working in!

Copy2Contact also adds a small menu with some extra features to the lower-right corner of your browser window.

To turn on Direct Capture mode, click the Copy2Contact icon in your system tray (next to your clock), then Utils, then Target Apps. See the Getting Started Guide for details.

Reverse Copy2Contact

Wish you had some way to paste a plain-text version of a contact into an email message?

Copy As TextWith Copy2Contact installed, every open Outlook contact has an “Copy2Contact” menu on its toolbar (under the Add-ins ribbon in Outlook 2007 and later). Choose the “Copy as Text” option and voilĂ !

Now paste the plain-text contact information from your clipboard into any document! Works with appointments, too.