Technology » Web Widget
The field FullName will be filled by the selected element(s) in the order above. Example: ContactName,Comma,Space,ContactFirst
Add Element [?]: Add See element definitions. |
Add Special [?]: Add |
Remove Last Element: Remove |
Save | Cancel |
The following server and client side code must be inserted into the form where you'd like to place Copy2Contact. All other configuration is done via our control panel.
A line or two of server-side code is needed to create a random session hash, and just one <script> tag is added to your page to link in Copy2Contact.
» See an example.
Since Copy2Contact is embedded into your existing user interface, it has been carefully reviewed and tested for compatibility.
Our self-service Control Panel will allow you to easily link the output of Copy2Contact's parser with the fields on your form, without complicated server-side coding. In addition, the built-in javascript helper functions enable Copy2Contact to expose new fields (if needed) and set dropdown options, like phone number type. » Try it!
The Control Panel also includes interactive visualization of how much time your users are saving with Copy2Contact. » Try it!
On the left is an example of a contact entry form as it exists now in YOUR application. Normally, filling out this form is tedious and error-prone, but with Copy2Contact added, it's easy! Look to the right to choose an example and then use the Copy2Contact Web Widget to fill the form in one step.
Copy (highlight and Control-C) the text of one of the examples below to try it with the Copy2Contact Web Widget in the next step.
After copying an example, close this dialog box to paste it into Copy2Contact.
Technology » Web Widget