Exclusively for our valued customers, we have a bundle deal that you can take advantage of yourself or pass on to your friends: We’re offering $5 OFF Copy2Contact for your PC when you buy Copy2Contact PRO For iPhone. That’s equivalent to getting Copy2Contact PRO For iPhone for FREE!
Here’s how it works:
1. Go to the App Store and purchase Copy2Contact PRO For iPhone
2. Use the Support > Contact Us option inside the Copy2Contact PRO app on your phone to write us with the subject “GET SECRET CODE“ (Offer expired!)
3. That’s it! We’ll send back a coupon code for $5 off Copy2Contact for your PC (Personal and CRM editions)
If you already own Copy2Contact for your PC, send this offer to a friend! They’ll thank you for it!
Lastly, you won’t find this offer anywhere else, and it expires on April 15, 2010, so grab it now.