Tag Archive for 'savings'

Understanding The Value of Copy2Contact

I interact with a lot of potential customers who inquire about Copy2Contact. If they haven’t been referred by a friend who uses it, often times they wonder if it’s worth buying. They’re right to be skeptical… everyone’s trying to make a buck these days.

Usually the free trial seals the deal. Many customers have told me over the years that once they tried it, they were hooked.

But other people need to understand the value from a different perspective. We’ve created what I think is a pretty cool sales tool, and we’d love to get some feedback on it.

It’s called the “Savings Calculator”, and it allows you to estimate the amount of time and money you’d save by using Copy2Contact.

Now, we know that time doesn’t always directly correlate to money, but we also know that there’s value in the way Copy2Contact reduces tedium and makes using your contact manager easier that just can’t be quantified. This calculator is just an attempt at seeing its value from one side of things.

Try it out here and pleaseĀ post your feedback in the comments. Questions, too… I’ll be watching closely and responding.

  • Does one of the user profiles match you?
  • Do the numbers provided seem reasonable?
  • Does the value proposition “speak” to you?
  • Have any anecdotes from talking with friends about Copy2Contact?

After all, you know best how you use Copy2Contact in your job, so the feedback is great for us. And as a bonus, we’ll get to understand our users better and see where we can improve in the future.