Category: Support

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How to install the test Chrome extension for

Starting a few days ago, Windows 8 users seem to be getting a notice that their Copy2Contact Extension for Google Chrome has crashed. We’re not sure what’s causing this and why it’s only Windows 8 users, but it may be related to the fact that NPAPI (a technology that the Copy2Contact extension relies upon) will soon no longer be supported by Google Chrome.

We’ve been able to reproduce the problem on our Windows 8 machines here but have not been able to sort out why it’s happening. Bummer.

Fortunately, we’ve been working on a replacement extension that will work with Chrome after NPAPI is gone and there’s no time like the present to try it out. It seems to be immune to the crash issue so we’re releasing it to users having the crash problem for testing.

Here’s how to install the replacement test extension:

  • First, download the new Copy2Contact Chrome extension. Right click the following link and save it to your desktop:
  • Now go to your desktop and double click the C2C_1.3.0 zip file that you saved to open it.
  • Drag the C2C 1.3.0 folder from the zip file to your desktop.
  • Now open Chrome and click “Menu > More tools > Extensions” to open the extensions list.
  • Click the trash can icon next to the Copy2Contact for Extension and confirm removal

    Copy2Contact extension Chrome

  • Now click the “Developer mode” checkbox in the upper right to enable developer mode
  • Now click the “Load unpacked extension…” button at the top of the screen
  • In the “Browse For Folder” window, find the “C2C 1.3.0” folder on your desktop and click it and then click OK.
  • You should now see the Copy2Contact for Extension 1.3.0 installed in your Extensions page in Chrome.

You’ll also need to install the Chrome Helper application:

  • Download the new Chrome Helper application by right clicking the following link and saving to your desktop:
  • Close all open Chrome windows before proceeding with the next step.
  • Go to your desktop and double click the c2c_chrome_helper_v1.0.0_installer file.
  • At this point you may get a message saying “Windows protected your PC”.

    Windows protected your PC
    If you get this message, click “More info” and then “Run anyway“.

  • Accept all the installation prompts to install the Chrome Helper app.
  • Now open Chrome again. You may get a message saying “Disable developer mode extensions”.

    Disable developer mode extensionsIf so, click “Cancel“. Developer mode extensions must be enabled for this extension to work.

You should now be able to capture to with Copy2Contact! Try the following contact info:

Jim West
West End Realty
1278 W. 34th St. Suite 3
New York, NY 12123
(917) 545-5414 (ofc)
(917) 230-1244 (cell)

C2C for and Google Chrome NPAPI Issue

As of Google Chrome version 42, users of Copy2Contact for are seeing the “Oops! Chrome wasn’t up and running” message over and over when they use Copy2Contact.

Chrome Error

It looks like Google is removing the NPAPI plugin functionality from Chrome that Copy2Contact relies on to do its thing. Starting with Chrome version 42, NPAPI is disabled by default. For now, you can re-enable it but we’re looking for a workaround for a future release.


Re-enable NPAPI functionality by entering the following in the Chrome browser URL bar:


Then click “Enable” under the “Enable NPAPI” heading (the first entry).

Completely close all Chrome windows and then restart your computer to be sure changes take effect.

Copy2Contact crash on capture issue fixed

A number of users have submitted crash reports indicating that Copy2Contact crashed when they tried to use it. How frustrating! A couple people even commented that they were no longer going to try to use Copy2Contact due to the problem. Losing a customer or potential customer always stings.

We look at all crash reports very carefully and take them seriously. The report contains a lot of information about what’s going on inside the program at the time of the crash, and the comments that people submit can be quite helpful as well. Sometimes, though rarely, we can reproduce the problem here and can put our powerful debugging tools to work to solve the issue.

Unfortunately, finding the source of the issue can still be very difficult, as most times the actual crash occurred inside another dynamic library loaded by Windows to support the program. Over the years we’ve solved many issues submitted to us via crash reports, and a good percentage of them are bugs in other vendors’ (usually Microsoft) libraries.

The crash on capture issue that people were reporting was a tough one to find, but with the dedicated help of a couple of users who had the problem consistently, we were able to crack it!

Where to get a patched version of Copy2Contact: If you’ve seen this problem, update now to the latest version. Both v2 and v3 have the fix, but v3 is a paid upgrade for most users. See upgrade details (and discounts) here.

What’s behind this issue: This was an odd one, though in truth, they always are. If you’re technically curious, here’s what was happening:

Copy2Contact calls the Windows API function IsClipboardFormatAvailable() to find out if there’s data ready for it. When Windows says yes, Copy2Contact would go ahead and retrieve the data using the GetClipboardData() function.

However, on some users’ computers, there was no data to retrieve, and GetClipboardData() was returning NULL. Given that IsClipboardFormatAvailable() returned TRUE, this was not expected, and caused a crash.

What’s odd is that in those cases, html data was also on the clipboard, and the updated Copy2Contact now checks for GetClipboardData() to return NULL and uses the html data instead.

Always checking for a NULL pointer is good practice, no matter what the documentation says!

Copy2Contact for Salesforce now supports the Chrome browser

Many people have inquired with us in the past about using the Chrome browser with Copy2Contact for Often times they’ve been confused as to why Copy2Contact seems to keep opening the dreaded Internet Explorer (gasp!) to work with Salesforce.

Fortunately, our latest release now includes the ability to select Chrome as your browser of choice for use with Salesforce.

Why didn’t we have this before? Chrome has seen a big surge in popularity in recent years, but the fact remains it’s still relatively new and, until recently, lacked the specific means of integration that Copy2Contact needed. Fortunately, the folks responsible for the FireBreath project have built a framework for this kind of thing.

How to get it: There are now two versions of Copy2Contact available, both of which have Chrome support. If you do not use Copy2Contact to create contacts inside Microsoft Outlook or Palm Desktop, go for version 3. It’s the latest and greatest.

If you are a paid user of Copy2Contact Personal or PRO for Outlook or Palm Desktop, you may use either version 2 or upgrade to version 3. Please note that Version 3 is a paid upgrade for Outlook and Palm Desktop users. Full details and discounts for existing users can be found here.

To download either version of Copy2Contact and get started now, go to our download page. Note that you’ll be asked to install the Copy2Contact browser extension in order to use it with Salesforce. Installation should be a matter of just one click from the Chrome App Store.

Please feel free to contact us for support if you have any questions.